Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thank You - have some Butterscotch

It's that time of year again. School will be out for the summer on Thursday and the kids are eager to give tokens of appreciation. At Christmas, I was going to make butterscotch candy for gifts, but couldn't find the recipe I'd been using since I was teen.
But it has been found - still on the same card I copied it onto in my teen printing!
edited: I bring the candy to about 270 degrees farenheit. I find the hard ball stage is just a bit too soft, and the candy sticks in your teeth too much then. And the soft crack stage is just a bit too hard.
I always love how the hot bubbly candy looks on the stove and just before you pour it. The molds are new break-apart molds for hard candy making. This is the first time I've used them and found them a bit fussier than just dumping the hot molten candy onto a buttered plate, but I'm pleased with the end result. Bashing a plateful of candy apart with the handle of a butter knife always leaves very uneven pieces and tiny shards of candy that are impossible to find and eat!

. And here's the cute little tin of candy ready to give to the wonderful teachers at school!


1 comment:

Commonplace iris said...

I've never made butterscotch, it's going on my list now though.